Donation Ideas & Inspiration

Earthdance Online Auction Ideas

252 Prospect Street, Plainfield, MA 01070 |

The online auction is a great way to promote Earthdance, raise funds, and spread the word! By reaching out to organizations, businesses, or individuals who may want to participate, you’re helping us grow and getting the word out. Plus, donations are tax-deductible(to the degree allowed by law)!

This is a collaborative effort, and we need everyone’s help to gather donations. Aim for at least 5 contributions, whether personal or from local businesses—there are plenty of opportunities around you! And don’t forget, we’re offering 500 Earth Dance Points to the person who collects the most donations.

What Can You Offer?

Do you have any special abilities/talents/skills? If you’re a dance teacher, dentist, lawyer, doctor, accountant, massage therapist, photographer, artist, graphic designer, or other skilled professional, consider donating your services. Not only will you help raise funds for Earthdance, but you might also acquire a new client in the process.

Sometimes businesses that you frequent often will be happy to gift a valued customer (e.g., two dozen bagels from your favorite bakery, dinner for two at your favorite restaurant, or a $50 gift card toward a purchase).

It’s not only what you know, but who you know: Think about friends and family members who also have professional skills they can donate or who love to support the arts.

Do you or a family member have a vacation home or timeshare that you can donate for a week or weekend?

Tickets: Festival tickets, jam tickets, workshop tickets, sports tickets, concert tickets, subscription tickets—all make great donations!

Do you have a generous relative who loves the arts and already contributes to charities? Consider asking for a larger monetary donation or a personal check (avoids credit card deductions of 2.9%).

Tips on Soliciting Donations

Once you get the hang of it, getting donations can actually become addictive! We suggest keeping the Google form easily accessible, so you can help fill it out for a donor on the go. You can always print and carry some paper copies too; just make sure you get a picture to attach to your email. Here are some tips to help you best use your time and resources:

  • It benefits the business: Businesses are used to being asked for donations for charities, so asking is usually quick and painless.
  • Go local: Identify local businesses and speak to the decision-maker if possible. Avoid chains like CVS or Walgreens.
  • Go where you’re a regular: It’s hard for businesses to say no to a good customer. Think about places you frequent—restaurants, contact jams, dance classes, cafes, gyms, summer camps, your dentist, doctor, herbalist, nutritionist, therapist, etc.
  • Remind them of the tax deduction: All donations are tax-deductible(to the degree allowed by law).
  • Fill out the form for them: Offer to fill out the donation form for them, and make sure to get a photo (their business logo, a picture of their shop—any photo will do).

Be Creative and Enjoy!

Remember, it’s all for Earthdance! Thank you so much in advance for your support.

Any questions or need help?
Reach out to us at

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