A reflection from one of our newest board members, John Adams:
Two years as Earthdance's neighbor! What a dreamy life I get to live.
When I landed here (i.e., next door at Nine Mountain), I had recently finished an ambitious thesis. It integrated many different scientific disciplines to show how the quality of the relationship to our own embodiment, to other humans, and to the more-than-human world, is a core determinant of human health and function. It took me a few months of being here—on the land, in community, dancing—to realize that I was applying my thesis to my life. Getting to live on this beautiful land with other embodied mammal creature beings, where physical parlance is the mother tongue, has been an incredible blessing and opportunity.
I reckon one sign that Earthdance is doing well is that people who live here feel invited and inspired to engage in or spearhead practices of embodiment, connection, and creativity. For myself, I get to offer my bodywork skills as a Rolfer; I co-hosted, at Olive's invitation, what may have been the world's first Circling+CI weekend (perhaps we'll do a sequel next year!); and I join in on practices of creative living that folks here initiate—like contemplative dance practice almost every morning this past winter, and a group of us who were doing The Artist's Way.
Earlier this year, I joined the Earthdance board, which has been a whole other way to experience Earthdance. I hope to be able to give back and support Earthdance to be as healthy and thriving as it can be, so that this beautiful, connective culture of Contact Improv and Creative Living can continue to be a blessing, haven, and inspiration to all who come here.
P.S. Alas! and some bad news: Nine Mountain's beloved hot tub has gone kaput, and we need to raise $11k to replace it. Stay tuned for a crowdfunding campaign. |