Authentic Movement, is a practice grounded in the relationship between a mover and a witness, was developed by Adler in the early 1980s, evolving from her studies with Mary Whitehouse and John Weir, as well as her early work with children diagnosed with severe autism. Different teachers of this early form of Authentic Movement offer their evolving perspectives in unique and diverse ways.
Being seen, seeing oneself, seeing another, movers and witnesses grow toward a vital experience of wholeness. – excerpts from “A Brief Description of the Discipline of Authentic Movement” by Janet Adler

A mover and a witness.
The mover closes their eyes and opens to the possibility of learning from the wisdom of the body’s psyche, soul, history, mystery…
The witness, with eyes open, holds the space of consciousness and presence.
The intention for both mover and witness is to be present with what is, without any expectation of what should happen. There is no prescribed way to move, there is no wrong way to move. The invitation is to discover what is available to us when we have no agenda.
Quite simply, it’s about listening to the body. In this short time together, you’ll have an opportunity to experience both roles as mover and witness. One needs to be curious, open, and interested to feel and move with whatever is present in the moment. Included in the process is time to speak, draw, and write from our experiences.
So the magical mystery tour begins…
Workshop: 3 – 6pm
Potluck: 6pm
Workshop: $40 – $160 sliding scale
Potluck : Please bring your favorite dish or donation of $10-15
Sauna and towel rental: $10
***If you find that you are struggling financially or there are other circumstances that are making it difficult to join this special workshop, please email programming@earthdance.net with your situation so that we can create a way to have you join us.***
If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight: A dorm bed in our Gratitude Lodge is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.
Cancellation Policy
Refund available up to 10 days before the event less a $15 processing fee.
No refunds available less than 10 days from the start of the event.
Partial refunds might be given if a cancellation takes place under extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death of a 1st or 2nd degree family member, serious non-preventable illness or accident requiring hospitalization). Refunds in such cases remain at the discretion of the local organizers and will be decided on a case to case basis according to the timing of the cancellation and other factors.
Health Precautions
No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before arriving. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well.
COMMUTERS: We ask that you please use caution when commuting and limit, if possible, to just commuting to and from your home and Earthdance, staying away from large crowds to maintain the health and well being of the other Summer Jam participants.
Carolyn Shakti Sadeh

I began this journey with Janet Adler in 1981. This has been my root practice for over 40 years. For these past years, I have been leading labs, workshops, trainings, and working with students individually. My background also includes teaching yoga and Action Theater. In the past 15 years much of my energy has gone into teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) to adult immigrants and refugees. I began teaching A.M. at Earthdance many years ago, and I am delighted to return after a long hiatus.