This is a time of year for giving and receiving treats, for delighting in abundance, for appreciating the warmth of family & community.
Many of you have experienced the nurturance and growth that comes from spending time at Earthdance. This place is a wellspring for meeting some of our deepest human needs. We are so happy to be providing this space of connection, exploration, healing and creativity. And it takes all of us in the Earthdance community to keep the wellspring flowing!
You are invited to join us for a night of swanky celebration, as we gather to honor this beloved community and raise funds for its continual growth.
This benefit event is an opportunity to embody deep support for Earthdance (and to glam ourselves up a bit!). Falling in the midst of the holiday season, let’s end the year by giving this community some love!
Our evening program will connect us deeply to our personal and collective relationships with Earthdance. With a decadent three course meal and an array of facilitated group rituals, the evening promises to leave you with both a deliciously full belly and a brimming full heart.
Shine your shoes and dress to the nines! You don’t want to miss this once a year celebration of community, charm, and loving goodwill.
May we all be healthy and happy this winter season, and bask in the riches of community together!
Arrival: 5pm
Dinner: 6pm-7:30pm
Evening Program: 8-10pm
With this donation you will receive a 3 course meal with a tea room experience and more evening offerings!
Financially Wealthy – $500
Financially Abundant – $325
Financially Stable – $200
Financially Coping – $120
Financially Strained – $80 – Early bird pricing is still available!
There will be an option to donate any amount above $80 that you desire.
If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight in our Gratitude Lodge dorm bed is $40. (Rental of sheets and towel is $15) Or, camping which is $30. * Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food.
COVID Precautions
No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well.
Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.
Akil Apollo Davis

Akil Apollo Davis is a full-time performing artist, Theatre Professor of Mask and Art Aesthetic and owner of over 200 original Masks. He is multi-disciplined: a dancer/choreographer (Hip-Hop, Balinese, Thai Classical, Butoh, African, Modern and more). Akil Rapper and avid impromptu poet- with songs on Bandcamp, co-composing his music and avid impromptu poet), Actor (bachelors from New York University), MC and award-winning Director. Akil has also worked with Monks in Thailand, Brahmins in Bali, Witches in the East Village of New York and a myriad of esoteric philosophies.He is an organizer, mentor to leaders and proud son of Rosie Phillips Davis, the 2019 President of the American Psychological Association. He works to bridge the gaps between esoteric philosophy, classical education and art. Akil believes that his karmic purpose is to increase understanding, empower, catalyze self-healing and spark the illumination of the soul. His personal mantra….“there must be more light” Follow him for more works of art and access to Mask work so unique that only 3 humans on the planet teach it.
Faith Rathbun

Faith is the kitchen coordinator at Earthdance and has spent that last few years honing the craft of hearth-rich cooking with a deep love and gentle fire in her heart for the comfort of nourishment. She aims to serve this tether well so we may gather in feasting in a good way and carry the glory of each of our meals into our bodies and homes and out into the world.