FREEDOM: Breakthrough Intensive with Sohini Live Well

The Breakthrough Intensive Retreat Program is the culmination of Sohini’s dedication and devotion to the healing path of self-realization and overcoming trauma and addiction – while embodying and mastering the disciplinee, education, skills and tools that can create real lasting change. She has created her own unique and powerful transformative healing method incorporating her Ignite! Mind/Body Detox™ into a retreat process and so much more!

Together with other inspiring women  – we will dive deep, with intentional life-altering and heart opening inner work that can bring profound shifts in consciousness and allow layers of ego to dissolve – where one can feel reborn.

With the support and safety of the retreat team and Sohini’s guidance we have the opportunity to transform the wounds of the sacred feminine, mother and the collective, into fuel for our deeper aspirations. This can bring us more self-love, self-care, self-acceptance and self-respect. By having the courage to show up and explore who we are – with curiosity and commitment –  we can bring in profound freedom and liberation into our lives.


*This event is a rental at Earthdance and is not affiliated with Sohini Live Well or the Breakthrough event.

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