Grieving Ourselves Whole: Exploration of Grief Through Embodiment, Song, and Ritual with Chaya Leia Aronson and Kaitlyn Cronin

We invite you to join us for three days and nights of tending the sacred waters of our e-motions, through ritual, movement, and song. We gather at Earthdance, a beloved place to many and has become home to a lineage of ever-evolving grief work.

Coming together to move, sing, and feel has great power to connect us more deeply to our wholeness and purpose, opening the door to the unique and necessary ways our Soul can contribute to healing on this planet.

If we think of grief as an expression of our love, we remember that grief is one powerful facet of the human experience, inextricably woven with growth, play, pleasure and joy. Rage might arise too. If grief is an expression of love, then rage is an expressed need for a boundary. So let us come together and stoke the sacred fire of our longing, belonging, grief, rage, repressed resentment, hope, fear, and so much more. 


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