Pa-Kua is an ancient knowledge that has served humanity, from ancient times to the present, in an attempt to understand the changes and adapt to them in order to live in a state of greater harmony. Pa-Kua is primarily about change. Constant and never-ending change!
Pa-Kua, is approached through the practice of one or more disciplines.
Commonly, I begin the learning process through a fun and powerful practice of “circle walking”. Through walking the circle we can do standing and moving meditation, sparring, full-out combat training or a fun and active dance which starts through setting intention, warming up, then simply letting the body flow with the moving energy.
A little history on Pa Kua
Pa-Kua knowledge began in Chinese mythology. The most well-known myth takes place about 5000 years ago. As Emperor Fu-Hsi was meditating on the banks of the Yellow River, a turtle emerged from the waters. In his shell, Fu-Hsi could glimpse the eight states of change or trigrams that make up the Pa-Kua symbol, which were intended to be used to understand the events of the Universe.
The long-time tradition of weekly Sunday CI Jams has returned to Earthdance! Come for a class beforehand, or just for the jam. Stay for the sauna and potluck dinner! Registration not required.
Class Details
This life-style practice builds on many aspects of life dynamics:
Physical, mental, emotional, sexual, financial and many more.
In my class, I will be focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the practice called, “Circle Walking”.
In circle walking there is a beginning, middle, and an end.
In the beginning we work on simply walking both clock-wise then counter-clock-wise around a large imaginary circle. This loosens the mind and body for the next development which includes:
1. Shaking the tree and opening the Chakras
2. “Banging the bones” a deeper activation of the 12 Chinese meridians
3. Pa Kua Push Hands and “bumping the Trees” – These are both ways to further experience the flow which we have cultivated with those around us.
4. We end with, “laying meditation” along with a clearing process called, “Chinese Energetic Medicine”.
*Sage and sweet grass are used to clear each person and the room.
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Class: 5:00 – 6:30PM
Potluck: 6:30 – 7:30pm
Jam: 7:30 – 10:00PM
Class: $20 – $60
Jam: $10 – $30
Sauna: $10 with use of 2 Earthdance towels.
Potluck Dinner: Bring a dish to share or a suggested donation of $10 to $15
If you wish to extend your visit and stay overnight, cost of a bed in the dorm is $40 or camping for $30. Includes access to the sauna and kitchen use but does not provide food. (Rental of sheets and towels is $15)


Accem Scott – As a practitioner of energy therapies for over 15 years, I’ve worked with many approaches, including Reiki, kinesiology, homeopathy, acupuncture, therapeutic movement, bodywork, flower essences, light and sound therapy, Pa Kua and many others. However, working with the Pa Kua and Chinese Energetic Medicine (CEM) together is unique in that it has provided me with a way to understand how all of these therapies are, in fact, working with consciousness. Using Pa Kua & CEM gives us a way both to describe where energy is in or out of balance, and also to change that energy with conscious awareness. Comprehending how these therapies and practices work requires direct experience rather than just theories and words. Book link: American Barefoot Doctor’s Manual.