Join us in beautifying, fixing, community building and dancing at Earthdance! We’ll work together during the day to help maintain and rebuild Earthdance, while dancing together in the evenings. If you have any carpentry, electrical, permaculture, or any skills that you think Earthdance would benefit from, please don’t be shy, we’d love your help!
Earthdance will provide us with healthy and delicious meals so that we have plenty of energy to give. You’re invited to join us for the whole weekend, or just drop in for a day. We’ll create lists of specific tasks for people to sign-up to beforehand according to skills and interests.
If you’re planning on attending the work weekend and could donate any of the following items, we’d greatly appreciate it!
- Good blankets (stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Good pillows (stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Twin sized mattresses (stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Mugs (no chips, no corporate/anniversary/words, maybe a set?)
- Bowls (no chips, no lip, full size)
- Small to medium cooking pots (lightly used)
- 4 slot toaster (lightly used)
- Twin, full and queen sheets/pillow cases (matching, stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Wooden Hangers
- Any size clean area rugs (stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Nice Art
- String lights
- Table Lamps (stainless, pleasant looking and functional)
- Wooden Shelving
Share our Facebook Event!
Thursday – Sunday: $60, $70, $85, $105, $125
Friday – Sunday: $45, $55, $70, $90, $110
Single day: $30, $40, $55, $70, $90
COVID Precautions
No specific requirements on vaccination status are needed to attend this event. Please take adequate measures to limit your exposure in the days before. If you are feeling sick, or have a known close exposure to someone with COVID in the past 5 days, please sit this one out to keep the community well.
Participant Community Support
Earthdance runs as a community, thus part of the participation is that all individuals contribute to 1-2 work shifts (typically meal cleans) throughout the jam/workshop and participate in a final house clean on Sunday. These are great ways to connect more with your fellow participants and Earthdance staff, and to feel more at home in the Earthdance buildings & grounds. Your contributions to this collective caring of this space are invaluable!
Earthdance’s buildings are ADA accessible. More info here.