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Fees & Registration
*NOTE* Although the live conference has officially ended, most of the conference sessions were recorded and are available for 1 month to anyone that registers. Registration will remain open and videos will be available until May 31st, 2021.
*(Sessions that were NOT recorded include: Facilitated conversations and some of the Racial Affinity work.)*
In recognition of the diversity of economies CI dancers live in around the world, we do not have a single fee structure for participating in this event.
We understand this is not the typical approach and that it not only relies on the honor system but it asks you to particpate in your consideration of payment exchange.
Our suggested fee is what you would pay for three days of workshops in your home country.
For example, for those coming from the U.S. (or a similar economy) we suggest the following fees:
- $75-$100 (those with lower incomes)
- $120-$150 (those with a medium income)
- $175-$225 (those with higher incomes)
Financial information:
We recognize that costs in different countries vary widely. We invite you to self designate the amount that is appropriate to the economy you live in.
We also acknowledge the wide range of impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and understand the importance of accessibility. If the suggested fee structure is not accessible to you right now, we invite you to pay what you can with a suggested minimum fee of $10.00. Please contact us with questions.
On the other side, for those that have the ability, we welcome generous donations to subsidize other attendees, or support our not-for-profit host Earthdance.
The money raised by the Future of CI conference will honor the work of the presenters and also support Earthdance in hanging on to its beautiful studios and forests so that they will be available as a global home for CI for years to come. Earthdance is struggling to survive the pandemic and our support is much needed!

Access Needs: We welcome any registrants or potential registrants to contact us about access needs. futureofci@earthdance.net
Questions? Feedback? Contact the organizing team at: futureofci@earthdance.net
Organizing Team: Sze-Wei Chan (Singapore), Ariadna Franco (Mexico), Kristin Horrigan (USA), Diana Thielen (Germany) and others TBA