Calendar of Events

Earthdance welcomes guests from around the world to engage in events that center movement and embodied practice, Contact Improvisation, and collaborative art making.

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Second Sunday Jam

Bring your movement gifts to share along with a yummy dish to nom on after class. Let’s commune and practice during our sweet jam. And, relax together in the sauna while we rest our bones. Registration not required. Continue reading
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Queer CoCo Jam! with Olive Frank & Sarah Zucchero

Queering CI & Embodying Queer Joy  In this year’s Queer CoCo Jam, we’ll explore what it’s like to center Queer Joy, liberate ourselves, our bodies, and our relationships from supremacist narratives, and investigate what it means to queer contact improvisation. Let us infuse queer joy into our bodies and our… Continue reading
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Biodanza Workshop with Caroline Churba

Life is revealed thru movement to music. Biodanza is a form of community dance in the sense that “dance” represents movement as an expression of emotions. The difference with other forms is that the Biodanza Facilitator invites the class to simple, everyday movements such as walking, breathing , resting as a group activity. Continue reading
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An Introduction to Authentic Movement with Carolyn Shakti Sadeh

Authentic Movement, is a practice grounded in the relationship between a mover and a witness, was developed by Adler in the early 1980s, evolving from her studies with Mary Whitehouse and John Weir, as well as her early work with children diagnosed with severe autism. Different teachers of this early form of Authentic Movement offer their evolving perspectives in unique and diverse ways. Continue reading
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Nomadic College! October 1st – 14th – Register Now!

The NC is an itinerant school for the principle study and application of The Axis Syllabusⓒ. Rather than a festival, or celebration, The NC is what it’s title suggests, an intensive study context. The study of the AS is meant to empower the individual to defend and promote their own health and the health of those they might be responsible for, in other words to sponsor responsible autonomy. Continue reading
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Fall Jam with hosts Yun Lee and Jonah Leslie – Register Now!

Atmosphères We invite you to perceive atmospheres: to listen to what the space is calling for before dialing up, down or sideways. Where are the energies percolating?  How do we support these shifts?  This season’s gathering proposes an orientation towards plurality: creating an environment that tunes into shifting of states… Continue reading
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Tango Fusion for Improvisational Dancers with Daniel Trenner and Erica Roper

Contact Improvisation and the Argentine Tango are two improvisational forms and emerging dance vocabularies gaining worldwide popularity. They have vastly different roots, and yet have many interesting intersections which offer opportunities for dancers of each form to expand their social consciousness and movement skill sets. They are both forms which have performing arts and social trajectories, offering their dancers a wide range of explorations in which to build dance as both an art form and a social container. Continue reading
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Touch&Play Bare Bones: Community Gathering

– Only for those with Previous Touch&Play Experience –

This is a time where we dive into ourselves to strip away, distill and keep only those things that will help us make it through to the light on the other side. Our Bare Bones.

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Gratitude COCO Jam – Register Now!

What is a CoCo Jam? Community Collaborative Jams are a new and unfolding program concept at Earthdance which launched in early 2022.  This new programming thread was driven by the desire for more opportunities to dance CI and to connect with the community in smaller containers. Similar to Seasonal Jams, the… Continue reading
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SAVE THE DATE – Come Home to Earthdance: The Gala Fun-Raiser

Please save the date for this years Gala and Fun Raiser, Saturday December 14 th 6-12pm!

Come for the night or the entire weekend. The theme is “Come Home to Earthdance”. We are raising funds to expand our housing for staff, work exchangers and personal retreaters. We are
gathering donations for our first online auction, the winners of which will be announced at the
Gala. We are looking for auction team leaders for New York, Boston, Montreal, LA, and the
Hill towns. Continue reading
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SAVE THE DATE – Winter Jam!

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Spiral & Root: Earthdance Professional CI Training – APPLY NOW

For those who are longing for a deep and durational dive into CI research, pedagogy, and professional training, you’re invited to gather with us for three weeks from January 6th through 26th, 2025. Continue reading
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